Face to Face Promotions

Face to Face Promotions

$10,000 remaining
$0 raised
0% of $10,000 goal
  • Gospel Ambition
  • General
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

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About This Project

One of the biggest threats to Kingdom advancement isn't anti-Christian governments and persecution, it's the duplication of ministry efforts. This duplication of effort results either from innocent unawareness of what others are doing or intentional building of propietary solutions. Either way Gospel Ambition wants to do everything we can to minimize this waste of our King's resources.

We have built open-source, multilingual, and scalable tools that the global body of Christ can customize, adapt, and use to accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. Help us get the word out about these tools so that other ministries and leaders don't invest years of their lives and millions of Kingdom dollars building tools that already exist. 

Your partnership will allow our Gospel Ambition teammates to attend strategic conferences and gatherings to let the Body of Christ know the resources that are available to Her and to accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation, together. 

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Project Owner

Gospel Ambition

Fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation, together

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